Winkhaus Centre Case
Winkhaus has been around for many years, available in three different backset 35, 45, & 55mm. The PZ size is 92mm and the spindle hole is split for Lever Pad option.
Usually the 35mm Backset are used on uPVC doors and the 45 & 55mm Backset is used on composite doors.
Winkhaus still manufacture these centre cases for use on new lock mechanism and also sell them separately for the repair market.
Night latch reversal: The small rectangular slot adjacent to side of the spindle hole contains a black roll pin. Insert a flat bladed screwdriver and roll the pin to opposite side to reverse function. Latch reversal: Push in latch and a screw will appear in back of lockcase. Undo the screw to remove the latch. Reverse, reinsert and replace screw.